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  • Get your practice into the present
    Hi-Tech Patient Relationship Management


    Automated Review Requests


    Integrated with ECLIPSE®

    Automated, Flexible, Customizable

    Controls to avoid bad reviews

    Mobile Friendly

    Collect Reviews in places that matter

  • Connect with your Patients
    Get ahead with Hour:Mine

What PRACTICES are saying about the system

The Review Collection System really works!

Within a week of enabling the system, we had a new five star review on our Yelp profile. That was awesome!

Our patients love the system and I like it that I can control the review requests to patients who have a long term relationship with our practice, as opposed to bombarding a new patient with a review request when they haven’t even had a chance to understand us.

Lettie Leidich, Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Durham

HOW DOES IT WORK? (and other questions...)

How does it Integrate?

We integrate by installing an in-practice software that is in constant communication with your Practice Management System (like ECLIPSE®). When you mark an appointment as "Completed" in your system, the software automatically detects that and based on the configured patient preferences, sends out a Review Request email.

We also pull the contact information directly from your back-end system. No manual work is required to export/import appointment or contact data.

How do you avoid bad reviews?

We have a couple of checks to avoid this scneario.

First, we let you control which patients should get review requests. Ideally, a practice would request reviews from patients who have had a longer relationship with the practice.

Second, in the review request itself, we first request the patient to contact the practice if they are less than satisfied. Also, to avoid annoying the patients, we limit these to one review request per week to a patient

What if I don't use Google+ or Yelp?

The links to social media profiles shown in the request are customizable and entirely under your control. You can choose to show only one link.

Having said that, please be aware that even if you do not request patients to review you, they are already reviewing you on social media sites by themselves. The best way to have a good profile is to request your established patients to be more vocal about your excellent service.

What about patient privacy? Is there an opt-out?

We do not share any patient or appointment information with the review sites. All the information on these public sites is provided by the patients themselves and is governed by the privacy policies of those websites.

We only send review requests to patients who have actually completed an appointment at your practice and have been approved by you to receive such a request. There are opt-out processes in place to not send these to patients who opt-out

Why only these review sites? Can I get private feedback?

We have chosen these three major review sites based on their popularity and the industry data. These are the review sites patients are most likely to go to when searching for care givers (ignore the claims of others who are not as popular and are just trying to use your patient base to grow their business).

But these links are totally customizable. You could even ask patients to fill in a private survey for feedback instead of asking them for a public review.

What else does Hour:Mine do?

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